The REAL War Against America..(Repost from Myspace July,7,2007
Have you ever
wondered why the "Mainstream Media" in this country gets to decide whom
we get to vote for?.It may sound strange,but its not all that far
fetched if you look at it closely.I mean,they run the debates,they give
the coverage to the candidates that they think are the most
popular.During the debates they put the candidates that they think are
the "most likely" to win right in the center,and then pretty much ignore
the ones that they dont give any credit to them.They have already
narrowed this thing down to a 3 person race on the Rep side and a 2
person race on the Dem side.And it is always someone that is already a
"Washington Insider" that are in the hippocket of some lobbyist.Could it
be that some of the same people that control the politicians also
influence the news media or control it all together?.Could they be
preselecting the candidates that they know they already control and
own,so that no matter who wins they ones in control automatically win
time and time again.
If you think that this is crazy,just look at
the facts.For the last almost twenty years our country has been
controlled by either a Bush or a Clinton,with the possibility of another
Clinton reign looming.Even though these two families claim to be on
opposite sides of the aisle but their policies run hand in hand.Both
families political ideologies are aimed at ruining this country and
turning us into nothing more than a third world country,and uniting us
with Canada and and Mexico into the United North America.They are all
Globalist ,whom want to see the Economy of the United States
crippled.Why?Because if you are gonna have a One World Government then
you cant have a "SuperPower" country like the United States running
around now can you?Of course not,everyone must be knocked down to a
subserveant level or below,so that they will be dependent on the One
World Government and what it has to offer.Like I said,on the surface
they seem like different people,but once you scratch the surface and get
down to heart of the matter,they are basically the same people.Both
families have used very unethical,but still legal,practices to make our
country more dependent on China than ever before.They have both ignored
"Illegal Immigration",well actually they have welcomed and embraced
illegal immigration.Why?.Once again it is to bring us closer to the
United North America,and the No Border Utopia,that is the dream child of
the New World Order..So to sum it all up.The Mainstream Media uses its
powers of persuasion to handpick lobbyist controlled elitist and
globalist canididates,to further the agenda of the New World Order,who
have the dream of total anihilation of the US ecenomy and culture.To
Quote Michael Savage,if you wanna protect America you must"Protect our
Borders,Language,and Culture"..Remember Dwight Eisenhower and John F
Kennedy both warned us of the secret societies and the military
industrial complex that work behind the scenes of this country
constantly trying to gain control..Let's PRAY that we havent waited to
late to act...
In my humble opinion, the "mainstream media" is a propaganda tool of "them" being those who are steadily eroding the basic tenets of our republic!They( media) are aimed at people too busy, uninformed, or uncaring, to utilize all available sources before forming a reasoned opinion.Has worked for years but the situation has become more volatile as the internet nd other "alternate media sources have caused people to THINK ad be aware.