Monday, January 30, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Proof that we shouldn't be doing Nation building
For those that may be having a difficult time deciding whether or not the U.S. should be in the business of Nation Building,listening to the past two Presidential Debates should give you more than ample information to use in deciding..The only Republican Candidate that is not advocating and supporting sanctions and or bombing Cuba is Ron Paul.The others are completely convinced that Cuba and its Leaders are this HUGE Threat to America..Here is the problem with that train of thought..WE,THE US,PUT Castro in power!!!!..If it were not for "intervention" on behalf of The US then Castro quite possibly would have died years ago in the Hills of Cuba from diseases.So,next time The US Government says we need to "Liberate" some poor unfortunate country,remember how we "Liberated" Cuba,so that our Gangsters could get a better cut of their Casino Till,and how Castro almost immediately turned on us and shut down the Casinos and took away the property of Cubans......And on a last thought....Why can't we trade with Cuba,we import all their Baseball Players anyway,why not some Cuban Stoggies???...
Saturday, January 21, 2012
The REAL War Against America..(Repost from Myspace July,7,2007
Have you ever
wondered why the "Mainstream Media" in this country gets to decide whom
we get to vote for?.It may sound strange,but its not all that far
fetched if you look at it closely.I mean,they run the debates,they give
the coverage to the candidates that they think are the most
popular.During the debates they put the candidates that they think are
the "most likely" to win right in the center,and then pretty much ignore
the ones that they dont give any credit to them.They have already
narrowed this thing down to a 3 person race on the Rep side and a 2
person race on the Dem side.And it is always someone that is already a
"Washington Insider" that are in the hippocket of some lobbyist.Could it
be that some of the same people that control the politicians also
influence the news media or control it all together?.Could they be
preselecting the candidates that they know they already control and
own,so that no matter who wins they ones in control automatically win
time and time again.
If you think that this is crazy,just look at
the facts.For the last almost twenty years our country has been
controlled by either a Bush or a Clinton,with the possibility of another
Clinton reign looming.Even though these two families claim to be on
opposite sides of the aisle but their policies run hand in hand.Both
families political ideologies are aimed at ruining this country and
turning us into nothing more than a third world country,and uniting us
with Canada and and Mexico into the United North America.They are all
Globalist ,whom want to see the Economy of the United States
crippled.Why?Because if you are gonna have a One World Government then
you cant have a "SuperPower" country like the United States running
around now can you?Of course not,everyone must be knocked down to a
subserveant level or below,so that they will be dependent on the One
World Government and what it has to offer.Like I said,on the surface
they seem like different people,but once you scratch the surface and get
down to heart of the matter,they are basically the same people.Both
families have used very unethical,but still legal,practices to make our
country more dependent on China than ever before.They have both ignored
"Illegal Immigration",well actually they have welcomed and embraced
illegal immigration.Why?.Once again it is to bring us closer to the
United North America,and the No Border Utopia,that is the dream child of
the New World Order..So to sum it all up.The Mainstream Media uses its
powers of persuasion to handpick lobbyist controlled elitist and
globalist canididates,to further the agenda of the New World Order,who
have the dream of total anihilation of the US ecenomy and culture.To
Quote Michael Savage,if you wanna protect America you must"Protect our
Borders,Language,and Culture"..Remember Dwight Eisenhower and John F
Kennedy both warned us of the secret societies and the military
industrial complex that work behind the scenes of this country
constantly trying to gain control..Let's PRAY that we havent waited to
late to act...
Friday, January 20, 2012
The Greatest Threat To America....(Repost from Myspace December ,08,2007)
The greatest threat facing our great nation isnt the threat from foreign terrorist.The greatest threat facing our nation is from the terrorist within.The terrorists that parade themselves around as patriotic politicians,but as the same time doing everything within their power to erode and destroy the moral foundation of our nation.They are ,of course,backed by the corporate elite that have bought and paid for them and control them.
These politicians hide behind the Republican Party,and use it to try and create the illusion that they are conservatives.They are not conservatives however,they are merely closet liberals.They try to justify this by refering to themselves as "Modern Day" or "New Age" conservatives,but make no mistake about it these people are liberals at heart and are out to destroy our nation.
These people use deivices such as the Patriot Act,NAFTA,unfair trade agreements,and their unwillingness to stop illegal immigration to help further their cause.They know that if they aerode our soverignty,our culture,our language,our borders,and our heritage,then it is just a matter of time before we as a people will be nothing more than mindless robots.once they get rid of these things we will no longer have any basis for which to reject their globalist agenda.Once you rid a country of their identity,which is what borders ,language,and culuture are,then that country can no longer stand apart from and distinguish itself from the rest of the world.When this occurs these "domestic terrorist" will have their dream fulfilled.They will have enslaved all nations under the rule of a few corporate elite.
The powers that be have tried to make it as hard as possible for the everyday american to keep track of what is really going on in this country.One of the most effective ways that have of accomplishing this is by controlling the media first and foremost.This is their deadliest and most effective weapon.By controlling the majority of mass media they are able to control what information gets to the American people.Most people are so caught up in the daily grind of everyday life and trying to make a living that all they have time for is newspaper headlines or the quick run evening news.
Controlling the media also allows them to control the coverage of political candidates.With the citizens caught up in the daily grind,with little or no time for researching candidates or watching debates they will be more apt to vote for one of the bought and paid for "Front Runners".The realm of the "so-called" conservative talk radio helps out with this part a great bit.It is usually hosted by the fakest of the fake conservatives.People such as Rush Limbaugh,Sean Hannity,Bill O'Reilly and Rusty Humphries are a few of the worst of the worst.These people constantly preach family values and then they promote some liberal "domestic terrorist" such as Rudy Gulliani,whom I personally consider to be in a dead tie with Hillary Clinton as the worst possible candidate for president,and the biggest nightmare that America can imagine.They also advocate more restrictions on the liberty and freedom of the American people through government intervention using devices such as the Patriot Act.They do so under the guise of national security and protection from foreign terrorist.The restricting of personal freedom and liberty never has nor will it ever be an effective measure to protect one from terrorist or anyone else.If these guys were so norodic about securing our country why dont they advocate restricting our government from consorting with terrorist supporting countries such as Saudi Arabia.Saudi Arabia has gone as far as holding telethons for Hamas which attacks Israel.They also were funding the Sunni militants insise Iraq which were killing American soldiers.
But dont despair America there is still time for us to act and regain control of our government and ultimately our country.The most effective weapon that we have to do this is by exercising our right to vote.We must exercise this precious freedom everytime that we have the oppurtunity,but we must also educate ourselves on the candidates and the issues.These things are way too important to allow our opinions to be swayed by the corporate controlled media or talk show hosts.The English philosopher Edmund Burke once said ,"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
The greatest threat facing our great nation isnt the threat from foreign terrorist.The greatest threat facing our nation is from the terrorist within.The terrorists that parade themselves around as patriotic politicians,but as the same time doing everything within their power to erode and destroy the moral foundation of our nation.They are ,of course,backed by the corporate elite that have bought and paid for them and control them.
These politicians hide behind the Republican Party,and use it to try and create the illusion that they are conservatives.They are not conservatives however,they are merely closet liberals.They try to justify this by refering to themselves as "Modern Day" or "New Age" conservatives,but make no mistake about it these people are liberals at heart and are out to destroy our nation.
These people use deivices such as the Patriot Act,NAFTA,unfair trade agreements,and their unwillingness to stop illegal immigration to help further their cause.They know that if they aerode our soverignty,our culture,our language,our borders,and our heritage,then it is just a matter of time before we as a people will be nothing more than mindless robots.once they get rid of these things we will no longer have any basis for which to reject their globalist agenda.Once you rid a country of their identity,which is what borders ,language,and culuture are,then that country can no longer stand apart from and distinguish itself from the rest of the world.When this occurs these "domestic terrorist" will have their dream fulfilled.They will have enslaved all nations under the rule of a few corporate elite.
The powers that be have tried to make it as hard as possible for the everyday american to keep track of what is really going on in this country.One of the most effective ways that have of accomplishing this is by controlling the media first and foremost.This is their deadliest and most effective weapon.By controlling the majority of mass media they are able to control what information gets to the American people.Most people are so caught up in the daily grind of everyday life and trying to make a living that all they have time for is newspaper headlines or the quick run evening news.
Controlling the media also allows them to control the coverage of political candidates.With the citizens caught up in the daily grind,with little or no time for researching candidates or watching debates they will be more apt to vote for one of the bought and paid for "Front Runners".The realm of the "so-called" conservative talk radio helps out with this part a great bit.It is usually hosted by the fakest of the fake conservatives.People such as Rush Limbaugh,Sean Hannity,Bill O'Reilly and Rusty Humphries are a few of the worst of the worst.These people constantly preach family values and then they promote some liberal "domestic terrorist" such as Rudy Gulliani,whom I personally consider to be in a dead tie with Hillary Clinton as the worst possible candidate for president,and the biggest nightmare that America can imagine.They also advocate more restrictions on the liberty and freedom of the American people through government intervention using devices such as the Patriot Act.They do so under the guise of national security and protection from foreign terrorist.The restricting of personal freedom and liberty never has nor will it ever be an effective measure to protect one from terrorist or anyone else.If these guys were so norodic about securing our country why dont they advocate restricting our government from consorting with terrorist supporting countries such as Saudi Arabia.Saudi Arabia has gone as far as holding telethons for Hamas which attacks Israel.They also were funding the Sunni militants insise Iraq which were killing American soldiers.
But dont despair America there is still time for us to act and regain control of our government and ultimately our country.The most effective weapon that we have to do this is by exercising our right to vote.We must exercise this precious freedom everytime that we have the oppurtunity,but we must also educate ourselves on the candidates and the issues.These things are way too important to allow our opinions to be swayed by the corporate controlled media or talk show hosts.The English philosopher Edmund Burke once said ,"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
Talent Plus Potential and Desire Equals Adventures in Music....
I recently had the privilege of being invited to embark on a little musical endeavor with some friends of mine..Its gonna be a bit of a challenge,but I honestly believe that we are up to the task..We have "some" experience playing together in different groupings but none as a whole..We have a Very Experienced Lead Guitar Picker/Lead Vocalist,Rick Homan, that is our Fearless Leader sort to speak.He has played at places all over the country with many different groups throughout the years,and is very well versed in many styles of music..Why he took on this task I will never know,but I am VERY GRATEFUL that he did..Aside from him we will have another friend,Ronnie, on rhythm guitar and vocals..He has been working with the lead guitarist for awhile and is showing improvements all the time.He doesn't have any Stage Experience but he seems to have a genuine love for music that all the training in the world can't replace..Then on drums we have the Rhythm Guitar players stepson.He doesn't have any Stage Experience that I am aware of,but he seemed to pick up on "Our Style" pretty easy and seemed determined to work with Rick to improve..And then there is me..I have only one real performance on stage in front of a live audience but I think that it went pretty well..I will be playing Bass guitar on most songs but will switch to guitar for the songs that I will do vocals on..Like I said Talent Plus Potential and Desire Equals Adventures in Music...But as a wise man,I forget who,once said,if it was easy everyone would be a Star.............One String At A Time...........
Life or Not??....
Had an interesting conversation this evening with some people on a social networking site..They were trying to apply the 14th Amendment to say that Abortion is illegal..I am of the opinion that it is Murder in the eyes of the Lord,however I fail to see where the 14th Amendment deals with this..If it does then why can't a fetus own a gun or practice the religion of their choice???
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